If you’ve just stumbled across this web site, you might wonder what’s going on here? The answer is quite a bit.
I’ve been writing TrueNorth as a side project for the last few years, and now I’m going to release it.
The web site is a flurry of activity. I’m trying to tell the story as best I can of the software I’ve been building. I have a vision of easy to use mapping software that puts the power of a GIS into the hands of ordinary people. I have a huge set of features that are almost ready, and need testing.
The next few months are going to be tough. The software is very close to it’s minimum useful set of features, but those features have to work and be bomb proof, otherwise you, dear reader and future customer, will not like what I’ve built.
If you’ve just stumbled in here, take a look around and see if there’s anything you like. Read my ideas for what the product is intended to do. If you’re interested, you can subscribe to this blog where I’ll be posting development notes and other updates. If you want, you can “like” the Facebook page, or follow me on Twitter where the updates will also be posted. Some time in early 2012 check back and see what we’ve got, and give it a try.
Hopefully you’ll love using it as much as I’ve enjoyed building it.